Educoncepts India Initiatives

Career Counselling

Random career choices lead to random results!
It’s a matter of choosing for life.People have been known to switch careers multiple times in their life but ask them and they’ll tell you they secretly wish that if some guidance or path mapping would have been available, they would have been way ahead of their counterparts.
Consider interests, personality& temperament, doability and long term prospects of your choice in a scientific and You- specific manner and you’ll be not working another day… for you’ll choose what you love to do!!!!
Vocational Guidance is the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated and adequate picture of himself and of his role in the world of work .It has a specific goal; It assists individual to find satisfying, interesting and realistic role in the environment .Vocational guidance is a process of helping individuals to know themselves, their abilities and interests, the world of work and its needs to be able to reach a mature career decision.
Vocational guidance refers to the services that assists individual of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices, and to manage their careers.
Why Vocational Guidance?
It is almost impossible to access your talent yourself. Everything you know about your talent can only be based on what you have done /experience before, so you end up not looking at new careers. Good career advice is very personal and we make it to fit a client needs. There are many online career tests for free, but most people lack the confidence and resources to use the knowledge they gain towards a positive change. More than anything, everybody needs encouragement and motivation to make a bold career move.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”
For more about the time-durations , appointment availability and costs involved please connect at 09899131356 or write to

Some of our mentees